Uncategorized May 10, 2015 Fear and anxiety Newly thrown large pot.I was an anxious kid when I was growing up. I was… rigel4 Love0
Uncategorized April 26, 2015 Balance Teardrop vessel. Detail.The path to enlightenment is the Middle Way.Siddhartha was required reading in my… rigel4 Love0
Uncategorized April 11, 2015 Students of Saint Pat’s My students listening to the docentat the Art Institute of Chicago.I teach at Saint Patrick… rigel4 Love0
Uncategorized March 29, 2015 Throwing and centering "You center the clay by centering yourself."The Spirit of Clay, Robert PiepenburgInhale. Acknowledge the tension… rigel4 Love0
Uncategorized March 14, 2015 Creating Creating means seeing the vision of what you want in your head long enough to… rigel4 Love0
Uncategorized March 1, 2015 My Second Job Large Vase. Approx 22" tallWhen I was getting my teaching certificate at Chicago State University,… rigel4 Love0
Uncategorized January 31, 2015 Positive energy Cup, etched and and paintedDuring the last couple of months, I had some really good… rigel4 Love0
Uncategorized January 4, 2015 The Potatoes Caroline's drawing of the PotatoesMy 13 year old and her close friends recorded a song… rigel4 Love0
Uncategorized December 28, 2014 Boundaries Nathan hosted a small get-together during our visit. Between the laughter and hysterical stories Nathan… rigel4 Love0
Uncategorized December 28, 2014 Amazing people I took a break from my pots to visit a friend, Nathan, in Bloomington, Indiana. Sometimes… rigel4 Love0